Monday, 30 July 2012

my obsession

hey guys my current obsession is xbox 360 i like most call of duty games,fifa and afew others i play xbox most weekends..... my other obsession is sport. so as you can guess i have been watching alot of the olympics.
my former obsession was football cards but im mostly over that now for the main reason that i need to spend my money on different things...( my xbox) so yeah whats your guys current obsession????

Monday, 23 July 2012

production is near!

the school production is coming up soon i am playing sir ethelred one of the main knights i am also a ginger ninja and am in 2 dances i think the hardest thing to learn will be both the dances as i only actually have 2 speaking lines. whats your production role?

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


In the holidays i mostly just played xbox in various locations these include napier,my house and alfonsos house. i was going to actually do somthing in napier with alfonso but it was raining the whole time! thank god for my xbox!